Saturday, July 6, 2013

More than meets the eye at free medical camps

From free fertility camps of IVF clinics for aspiring mothers to urology hospitals offering free screening for prostate cancer, free medical specialty camps offered by several hospitals are widely conducted everywhere.
Be it cataract surgery or family planning, there is no doubt as to the popularity of medical camps in India. Initially intended to provide medical services to poor patients residing in remote areas, medical camps made it possible for rural citizens to avail of health care services without having to travel far to a city. Run by philanthropists and charitable organizations, most of these camps were relatively inexpensive methods of ensuring that healthcare services were available even to the poor.

It appears that medical camps are more of a promotional campaign for hospitals these days. Needless to say, free camps offered by hospitals generate a lot of public attention, bringing to emphasis their dedication to community service. Beware though, that many of these medical camps might be cheating gullible patients with their ulterior motive of helping hospitals build a database of potential patients to whom they can sell their services. Many complaints have been received about their misdiagnosis and profit mongering over-treatment for a health condition that was better off untouched. More facts revealed at

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