Tuesday, September 3, 2013

It is Best to Let IVF Patients Make Their Own Informed Decisions

A patient who had been advised IVF treatment found during her pre-IVF treatment workup that she had a five millimeter endometrial polyp in her uterus. Another IVF doctor she had gone to had advised her to get the polyp removed before getting her IVF treatment. This patient came to Malpani clinic for a second opinion from me.

In cases like this, it is hard to make definitive decisions. Each doctor has a subjective opinion of issues like this which fall in the grey areas of medical practice. Most doctors do believe in removing anything from the uterus before putting an embryo inside the endometrial cavity . Naturally, they suggested she get an operative hysteroscopy to get the polyp removed prior to the IVF cycle. This being a standard and logical approach , is usual medical advice.

On the other hand, many doctors consider this move unnecessary as there is no evidence that a small polyp affects embryo implantation. Since, there is insufficient clinical evidence for a concrete conclusion to be made, this issue remains controversial. IVF specialists tend to see only infertile women and they are quite likely to assume that if a woman has uterine polyps, that these are the cause of her infertility and will therefore, suggest their removal.  However, contrary to this belief, it is a fact that even fertile women can have endometrial polyps and can get pregnant even if these are left alone. Since, they don’t have a fertility problem in the first place , neither they nor the doctor ever discover it.

This leaves both the doctor and the patient in a state of confusion. The patient gets contradictory advice from different experts. One advocates surgery, the other advises her to leave the polyps alone. What is she to do?

Are you confused as well ?  Do you need an objective high quality second opinion from an IVF expert ? Please send me your medical details by filling in the form at www.drmalpani.com/malpaniform.htm so that I can guide you better !

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